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Elk Point Gateway Area


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Elk Point is located in east-central Alberta, Canada. It is located on Highway 41. A number of oil related businesses are located in Elk Point. Agriculture is also important in the Elk Point area.

Elk Point is located on the North Saskatchewan River which was a fur trade route. Both the Hudson's Bay Company and the Northwest Company had posts on the river near Elk Point. Alberta Culture has built an interpretive centre near the remains of Fort George and Buckingham House.

There is a large carved statue of Peter Fidler (a figure from fur trade days) near Elk Point and a mural of Elk Point history near the town centre. Elk Point was a fur trading post in the fur trade days. Elk Point celebrated its bicentennial on 1992.

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Coming in on Hwy 41 north or south, turn west on railway Ave which is on the south end of town just by Tags. Go west on Railway Ave and you’ll see the staging area on your left (south).