Alberta's Iron Horse Trail is a part of the world's longest network of recreational trails. Discover the history and adventure of the Iron Horse Trail.
Alberta's Iron Horse Trail
Related Locations
- Ashmont to Bonnyville History Outing
- Ashmont to St Paul History Outing
- Cold Lake to Bonnyville History Outing
- Elk Point to Lindbergh History Tour
- Lindbergh to Heinsburg History
- Smoky Lake to Vilna History Outing
- St Paul to Elk Point History Tour
- Vilna To Ashmont History Outing
- Waskateneau to Smoky Lake History Outing
- Abilene Junction
- Ardmore Trailhead
- Armistice Rest Stop
- Ashmont Staging Area
- Beaver River Trestle Staging Area
- Bellis Trailhead
- Bonnyville Gateway Area
- Cold Lake Staging Area
- Edouardville Rest Stop
- Edwand Trailhead
- Elk Point Gateway Area
- Glendon Staging Area
- Heinsburg Staging Area
- Lindbergh Staging Area
- Mallaig Trailhead
- Middle Creek Rest Stop
- Mooswa Rest Stop
- Muriel Rest Stop
- Smoky Lake Gateway Area
- Smoky Lake Gateway Area
- Spedden Trailhead
- St Paul Gateway Area
- Vilna Staging Area
- Warspite Trailhead
Points of Interest
- Abilene Junction Rest Area
- Archway
- Ardmore Staging Area
- Armistice Staging Area
- Beaver Station Staging Area
- Belvil Campground
- Bench
- Bench
- Bench
- Bench
- Bench
- Bench
- Bench
- Bench
- Bench
- Bench
- Bench
- Bench
- Bike Rack
- Bike Rack
- Bike Rack
- Bike Rack
- Bike Rack
- Bike Rack
- Bike Rack
- Bike Rack
- Bike Rack
- Bike Rack
- Bike Rack
- Bollards
- Bollards
- Campsite - Developed
- Cement Pad
- CN Station
- CN Station Facade
- Cold Lake Staging Area
- Corral
- Elk Point Recreational Park Campground
- Equestrian Shelter
- Firepit
- Firepit
- Firepit
- Firepit
- Firepit
- Firepit
- Firepit
- Firepit
- Firepit
- Firepit
- Firepit
- Firepit
- Garbage Receptacle
- Garbage Receptacle
- Garbage Receptacle
- Garbage Receptacle
- Gate 001
- Gate 002
- Gate 003
- Gate 004
- Gate 005
- Gate 006
- Gate 007
- Gate 008
- Gate 009
- Gate 010
- Gate 011
- Gate 012
- Gate 013
- Gate 014
- Gate 015
- Gate 016
- Gate 017
- Gate 018
- Gate 019
- Gate 020
- Gate 021
- Gate 022
- Gate 023
- Gate 024
- Gate 025
- Gate 026
- Gate 027
- Gate 028
- Gate 029
- Gate 030
- Gate 031
- Gate 032
- Gate 033
- Gate 034
- Gate 035
- Gate 036
- Gate 037
- Gate 038
- Gate 039
- Gate 040
- Gate 041
- Gate 043
- Gate 044
- Gate 045
- Gate 047