If driving, there are three (3) ways to get to the Pauoa Flats Trail: 1. Go mauka on Tantalus Drive past Nahuina Trailhead to Kalawahine Trail. The Trailhead will be adjacent to a private road heading up a hill. Hike Kalawahine Trail 1.5 miles from Tantalus Drive until it ends at Pauoa Flats Trail. 2. Take Pu‘u Ohia Trail to the Manoa Cliff Trail and go left. Continue mauka on Manoa Cliff Trail until you reach the Pauoa Flats Trail intersection on the right. There is a system trail map at this intersection. 3. Hike Manoa Cliff Trail from Round Top Drive. The first intersection will be with Pu‘u Ohia Trail on the left. The second intersection on the right is the Pauoa Flats Trail. There is a trail map here.
Please note that the Pauoa Flats Trail (in yellow) is part of the Honolulu-Mauka Trail Network, comprising of 18 interconnected trails (in turquoise). The system may be accessed via the Makiki Arboretum Trail (dark blue) as part of an extended hike. The shortest route from the Makiki Arboretum Trail to the Pauoa Flats Trail is 3.65 miles.
Descriptions for route, history, plants and birds were provided by
Stuart Ball, author of The Hikers Guide to Oahu and other hiking books
Pauoa Flats Trail starts behind a posted trail map at a signed junction
with the Manoa Cliff Trail. Descend mauka (inland) down the flank of
Tantalus (Pu`u `Ohi`a). (To the left the cliff trail leads to the
Kalawahine Trail and Tantalus Dr. To the right the cliff trail leads to
Round Top Dr.) Reach a signed junction in the flats. Continue straight
on the flats trail. (To the left the Kalawahine Trail heads for Tantalus
Dr.) Almost immediately reach another signed junction. Continue
straight again on the flats trail. (To the left the Nu`uanu Trail heads
down into Nu`uanu Valley and connects with the Judd Trail.) In a bamboo
grove reach a third signed junction. Continue straight on the flats
trail. (To the right the `Aihualama Trail leads down to Manoa Falls.)
Walk through dark cinnamon trees on a muddy trail. Reach the end of the
Pauoa Flats Trail at windy overlook of Nu`uanu Valley.