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Great Miami River Trail

Trail in Taylorsville MetroPark

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The Great Miami River Trail (Route 25) is the backbone of the nation’s largest paved trail network, spanning 340 miles throughout Ohio’s Miami Valley. The route connects beautiful natural areas, small towns and large cities across four counties in southwestern Ohio.

From urban skylines to beautiful river vistas, the Great Miami River Trail has something for everyone. The trail winds its way near parks, museums, picnic facilities, acres of natural land and over gently rolling terrain—a perfect match for the runner, skater or cyclist. The 86-mile Great Miami River Trail passes through several MetroParks including RiverScape, Deeds Point, Island, and Taylorsville, hugging the Great Miami River nearly the entire route. 

The section just north of the Taylorsville dam features the historic remnants of the town of Tadmor.

Additional Information

Allowed Access
E Bikes
Bike Touring
Cross Country Skiing
Dog Walking
E Biking
Fat Biking
Trail Running
Stroller Friendly
Wheelchair Accessible
Rules & Regulations
Dogs On Leash
U.S. Bicycle Route 50 (USBR 50)

USBR 50 was officially designated in Ohio in 2014 with signage installed across the state in 2017. This designated route is one more link in an east to west national bicycle route. In Ohio the route travels 313 miles from near Richmond, Indiana to Steubenville, Ohio utilizing both shared use paved trail and on road infrastructure.

USBR 50 will eventually run from San Francisco to Washington, D.C. and generally follows Adventure Cycling’s Chicago to New York City Bicycle Route (CNYC).

The route travels through the Miami Valley primarily on the Miami Valley Trails including the Great Miami River Trail, Mad River Trail, and Creekside Trail.

See route across Ohio.

Chicago to New York City Bicycle Route (CNYC)

Unveiled in 2017, the CNYC Adventure Cycling Association Route takes people from Chicago to New York City right through the heart of Dayton and the Miami Valley utilizing the Wolf Creek Trail, Great Miami River Trail, Mad River Trail, and Creekside Trail. Cyclists could also choose to take advantage of the Great Miami Riverway Alternate to explore more of the Miami Valley.

The Chicago to New York City Bicycle Route (1160.3 miles) includes a main route and the Philadelphia Alternate (1172.9) which includes the Great Allegheny Passage (GAP).

The CNYC can be combined with Bicycle Route 66 for riders who wish to continue to or start on the west coast.

Buckeye & North Country Trails

Dayton region is home to a portion of the North Country Trail—a 4,600-mile National Scenic Trail, the longest in the United States—and the 1,444-mile Buckeye Trail, the nation’s longest circular trail. The BT/NCT share the same path for more than 800 miles, including the miles that run through Taylorsville, Island, Deeds Point, Eastwood and Huffman MetroParks.

These long distance trails are co-aligned through the Dayton area as they are through much of Ohio, locally following the Mad River and Great Miami River paved trails. The trails are marked by 2×6 inch blue blazes along the route.

Underground Railroad Bicycle Route (UGRR)

The Underground Railroad Bicycle Route (UGRR) memorializes the Underground Railroad, a network of clandestine routes by which African freedom seekers attempted to escape slavery before and during the Civil War. The 2,006.5-mile Underground Railroad Bicycle Route runs from Mobile, Alabama to Owen Sound, Ontario.

Locally, the route follows the Little Miami Scenic Trail and Ohio to Erie Trail. You have the option to connect into the history and amenities along the Great Miami Riverway including Dayton and many Five Rivers MetroParks by using the 51.4 mile Great Miami Riverway Alternate (GMRA).

In addition to the Great Miami Riverway Alternate (GMRA) you may also be interested in the UGRR Detroit Alternate, UGRR Pittsburgh Spur, or the day-trip rides in Ripley, Ohio (PDF).


  • Get Directions
    75.24 mi Away
  • Lat/Lng
    39.55096, -84.31767
  • Length
    64.09 Miles
