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Angel Rocks Loop

Trail in Chena River State Recreation Area

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This 3.7 mile loop route provides access to alpine tundra, views of surrounding mountains, and unique rock outcroppings called tors. The tors formed millions of years ago when molten rock pushed upward and cooled before it reached the earth’s surface. The surrounding earth slowly eroded, exposing the less erodible rock pinnacles.

Trail Access: The trail begins at the Angel Rocks Trailhead at mi. 48.9 and ends at Chena Hot Springs at mi. 56.5 Chena Hot Springs Road Allowable Uses: Hiking, Horseback Riding Distance: 8 mile traverse (one-way) Total Elevation Gain: 1900 feet Difficulty: Moderate/strenuous

For more information on Angel Rocks Loop, click here.

Additional Information

Horseback Riding
Accessibility Description

The trail begins at the Angel RocksTrailhead at mi. 48.9 and ends at Chena HotSprings at mi. 56.5 Chena Hot Springs Road.


  • Get Directions
    2989.20 mi Away
  • Lat/Lng
    65.02634, -146.19138
  • Length
    1.40 Miles
