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Angel Rocks

Trail in Chena River State Recreation Area

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Allow 3-4 hours to complete the loop hike. From the Angel Rocks trailhead, the trail parallels the North Fork of Chena River through mixed spruce and birch, before reaching a junction. Head right on the Angel Rocks Trail (the trail on the left is the Angel Rocks loop trail and a possible return route). The angel Rocks trail crosses a boggy area on a boardwalk before beginning the ascent through the forest. The trail turns sharply uphill for a short distance before coming to Overlook Rock (the first tor). It starts a moderately steep ascent, passing by many tors before emerging onto the ridge-top

Trail Access: Mi. 48.9 Chena Hot Springs Road.

Allowable Uses: Hiking, Horseback Riding

Distance: 3.7 mile loop

Elevation Gain: 900 feet

Difficulty: Moderate

For more information on Angle Rock, click here.

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Mi. 48.9 Chena Hot Springs Road.


  • Get Directions
    2697.40 mi Away
  • Lat/Lng
    65.01221, -146.21517
  • Length
    2.67 Miles
