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Alpine Ridge

Trail in Kachemak Bay State Park

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A popular, quick route to alpine areas, this trail begins near the high point on the Saddle Trail and steeply follows a ridge through spruce and alder to alpine tundra, ending on a treeless knoll (near 2100 feet), with spectacular views of Grewingk Glacier and a deep glacial valley. Alpine tundra above treeline invites further exploration of the ridge.

Trail Access: Saddle Trailhead: Saddle Trail to Lagoon Trail Allowable Uses: Hiking Distance: 1.9 miles Elevation Gain: 1600 feet Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult; long, steep climbs Hiking Time: 2 hours (to treeline)

For more information on Alpine Ridge, click here.

Additional Information

Accessibility Description

Kachemak Bay State Park is accessed via boat from the Homer Harbor. Local water taxis can provide transportation to most park trailheads


  • Get Directions
    2758.11 mi Away
  • Lat/Lng
    59.60315, -151.15968
  • Length
    1.82 Miles
