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Picnic spot at Ft. McGilvray


Trail in Caines Head State Recreation Area

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The Alpine Trail can be accessed from the Caines Head Trail between Derby Cove and North Beach. At the junction with the Loop Trail after 1.4 miles, one can continue on the Alpine Trail ascending a short but steep set of switchbacks, bringing one above tree line. The broad alpine terrain allows for exploration of Callisto Peak and offers views of Resurrection Bay and Bear Glacier. At the junction, one can also take the Loop Trail 1.7 miles to South Beach, where it joins the South Beach Trail.

Allowable Uses: Hiking Distance: 3.0 miles (one way) Elevation Gain: 1590 feet Difficulty: Difficult

For more information on Alpine, click here.

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Accessibility Description

Following the South Beach Trail 1.5 miles through spruce and hemlock forest brings one to the Fort Trail section of the Caines Head Trail, between North Beach and Fort McGilvary.


  • Get Directions
    3095.01 mi Away
  • Lat/Lng
    60.01098, -149.41194
  • Length
    3.03 Miles
