The Samuel Justus Trail is one of several that highlight the Allegheny River Region in Venango County, Pennsylvania. This trail converted an abandoned railroad grade to an easily accessible walking/hiking trail with marvelous views. The trail draws walkers and bikers from several states and a few countries. This trail is a partnership of trails that extend north, south, east and west and is in a constant state of expansion. The trail is nearly level with easy access for walkers and bikers of all levels of experience. A broad base of population is served - two cities, one borough, and several townships and villages. There are no costs to use the trail therefore persons of all income levels have ready access. A nonprofit group, The Allegheny Valley Trail Association, with many hours of volunteer time, provides management of the trail. Two tunnels and several bridges add to the beauty and uniqueness of this trail system. The trail system of which the Samuel Justus Trail is a part of provides an outstanding natural and cultural experience for its users and runs through areas protected by the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.