The 27-mile Pinnell Mountain National Recreation Trail traverses alpine ridge lines and saddles. all above timberline. It allows access to outstanding natural resources associated with a high alpine tundra community.
The alpine tundra is the summer home of many different nesting birds, including Long-tailed Jaeger, Surfbird, Northern Wheatear (a Eurasian migrant), Horned Lark and Gray-crowned Rosy-finch. These birds nest in typical trail side habitat and are exciting sightings for birders and wildlife watchers.
Many different kinds of wildflowers abound during the summer when the 24-hour daylight of the midnight sun brings a spectrum of color to the lush greens of the tundra.
The trail is an excellent place to observe periglacial features associated with the discontinuous permafrost of the Yukin-Tanana Uplands.