The Oil Creek State Park trail is a 9.7 mile paved multi-use trail managed and maintained by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of State Parks. Trailheads at Drake Well Museum in Titusville and at Petroleum Centre, Oil Creek State Park encourage visitors to explore the recreational, natural and historical resources. Interpretive signage along the trail tells the story of 15 years of frantic drilling, gushing oil, and devastating fires in the Oil Creek Valley. In addition, the trail parallels Oil Creek which offers fishing and seasonal paddling. Today the park is afforded the unique opportunity to tell a new story of environmental recovery.
Oil Creek State Park has developed excellent partnerships with local stakeholders including the Oil Region Alliance for Business, Industry, and Tourism; Allegheny Valley Trails Association; the Pennsylvania Historic and Museum Commission; and the Oil Creek Railway Historical Society. These groups provide volunteer support, funding assistance, and promote environmental education and interpretive opportunities along the trail.
Steps are being taken to complete a 3-mile missing trail segment from the southern terminus at Petroleum Centre (Oil Creek State Park) to the Samuel Justus Trail in Oil City. Once complete, the trail system will offer over 40 miles of suitable terrain for family groups and persons with disabilities to be able to explore the "valley that changed the world." Linking the two trails will provide easy access by bicycle from urban centers such as Oil City and Frankliln to greenway corridors. This, in turn, will provide trail access for residents without having to drive.