Hyde Park Heritage Greenway Trail System
The Hyde Park Heritage Greenway Trail System is a network of recreational trails interconnecting downtown Hyde Park with nearby residential neighborhoods, four National Park sites, three Town parks, a nonprofit nature preserve, and additional protected open space within the Town. The trails share a common system of signage & marking, trailhead kiosks, maps, brochures and promotional programs, regardless of the underlying ownership.
The Hyde Park Trail system consists of the following trails:
The Hyde Park Trail (the original "trunkline" trail of the system) - 6.0 miles
This is a continuous trail link between the Vanderbilt NHS, the Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt's Val-Kill, and FDR's Top Cottage. It also includes the Town of Hyde Park's Riverfront Park, River Road (a residential public road), and easements over two private parcels.
Trails within the Franklin D. Roosevelt NHS:
(Note: These trails received NRT designation as "Roosevelt Woods" in 1982):
Cove Trail - 0.5 mi
Forest Trail -1.1 mi
Meadow Trail - 0.4 mi
Trails within Eleanor Roosevelt's Val-Kill:
Val-Kill Loop Trail -1.0 mi Top Cottage Trail - 1.0 mi
o Trails within the Winnakee Nature Preserve:
Col. Rogers Loop Trail - 0.9 mi
Pipsissewa Path - 0.1 mi
Beech Path - 0.5 mi
Creek Trail - 0.3 mi
Old Carriage Trail - 0.3 mi
Trails within Hackett Hill Town Park:
Guinea Community Trail - 0.4 mi Crum Elbow Trail - 0.2 mi Gorilla Rock Trail - 0.3 mi Fredonia Lane - 0.3 mi Woodland Trail - 0.4 mi
Trails within Pinewoods Town Park:
Pinewoods Nature Trail - 0.7 mi TOTAL MILEAGE AS OF 2005: 14 mi. and growing