The Historic Champlain Canalway Trail in the Town of Halfmoon is approximately a six-mile segment of a 58-mile long Canalway Trail corridor. The Town of Halfmoon participates in an on-going planning effort coordinated by the NPS Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program with the goal, "To complete and promote an attractive and continuous route for the Champlain Canalway Trail from Waterford to Whitehall, including historic towpaths, community attractions, and parallel on-street bicycle routes."
The Town of Halfmoon owns the Champlain Canalway Trail corridor within the Town. Approximately two miles of the trail is an improved, stone dust trail that is eight feet wide. Trailhead parking is available at the northern end of the improved trail segment. To the north and south of the improved segment are two-mile long segments of unimproved trail. These segments are essentially footpaths at this time. The Town has plans and grant applications pending to construct, multi-use stone dust trail segments for the entire six miles of trail within Halfmoon. The six miles of trail are located in a rural setting, with the trail bordered by farm fields, wetlands and wood lots.