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Big Hole Battlefield

Point of Interest 

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The Big Hole Battlefield Trail begins in the Sula Basin of the Bitterroot Range, crosses the Continental Divide, then follows Trail'Creek for about sixteen miles to the western park boundary of Big Hole National Battlefield.

The 221/2 miles of proposed trail follows the route of the Nez Perce Flight in 1877 from the Sula Basin to the Big Hole Battlefield. This same route was also used by Colonel John Gibbon's Seventh Infantrymen as they hurried to their encounter with the Nez Perce at the Big Hole in 1877, by General Howard's military command as they too followed the fleeing Nez Perce, and at various other times by settlers and miners as they passed from the mining communities of Montana and Idaho over the mountains to the Bitterroot Valley.

Additional Information

Horseback Riding
Trail Running
Cross Country Skiing
National Recreation Trail Details

Length: 24 Miles
Loop Trail: No
Primary Trail Type: Backcountry, Nature Trail
Additional Trail Types: -
Agency: National Park Service
Entry Fee: -
Fee Notes: -
Parking Fee: -
Permit Fee: -

Trail Use Notes:

Seasonal Use Notes:

Location: At Big Hole National Battlefield, ten miles west of Wisdom, MT on SH 43, In Gallatin National Forest, N of Earthquake Lake on SR 287.
County: Beaverhead
State: MT
Townships: -

Driving Directions:
From I-15 at Dillon, Montana take highway 278 northwest to Wisdom, then Highway 43, ten miles west. From I-15 at Divide, take Route 43, sixty-two miles west through Wisdom to Battlefield. From Missoula, Montana, take State Route 93 south through the Bitterroot Valley to Lost Trail Pass. Turn east on Highway 43 and drive 17 miles to the battlefield.

Average Grade: -
Maximum Grade: -
Elevation High: 6300 Feet
Elevation Low: 6300 Feet
Elevation Gain: -

Average Width: -
Minimum Width: -
Primary Surface: -
Additional Surfaces: -

Year Designated: 1977


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    1591.31 mi Away
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    45.64102, -113.64323
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