Hopewell Furnace showcases an early American industrial landscape from natural resource extraction to enlightened conservation. Operating from 1771-1883, Hopewell and other "iron plantations" laid the foundation for the transformation of the United States into an industrial giant. The park's 848 acres and historic structures illustrate the business, technology and lifestyle of our growing nation.

Baptism Creek
Point of Interest
Additional Information
National Recreation Trail Details
Length: 0.8 Miles
Loop Trail: No
Primary Trail Type: Greenway
Additional Trail Types: -
Agency: National Park Service
Entry Fee: -
Fee Notes: -
Parking Fee: -
Permit Fee: -
Trail Use Notes:
Seasonal Use Notes:
Location: At Hopewell Furnace NHS near Elverson.
County: -
State: PA
Townships: -
Driving Directions:
Average Grade: -
Maximum Grade: -
Elevation High: -
Elevation Low: -
Elevation Gain: -
Average Width: -
Minimum Width: -
Primary Surface: -
Additional Surfaces: -
Year Designated: 1981