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Ramble Quest: Greenville Falls Scenic River Area


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  • Use the map to explore the historical property of Greenville Falls Scenic River Area valley while searching for the Greenville Falls Ramble Quest emblem.

  • On the map you will find the quest stops. At each Quest stop you will find a placard mounted on a park structure. Will it be the Greenville Falls State Scenic River Area Ramble Quest emblem?

  • There is only one Ramble Quest Park emblem per park, the rest are a variety of leaves and rocks.

    Hint – placards are always mounted to a park sign, step or bench.

  • Once you find the placard with the park Ramble Quest emblem, take a photo of it and check in to this task to complete this part of your journey.

  • A system of trails allows visitors to stroll along the river, through a prairie and past many historical remnants left from the old electric mill that once stood on the property.


  • Get Directions
    73.02 mi Away
  • Lat/Lng
    40.10565, -84.37367
  • Length
    1.52 Miles
