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A Fun Day of Sledding at Hatcher Pass!


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Visit Hatcher Pass for family-friendly sledding close to the parking lot! A longer uphill hike results in more thrill-seeking downhill adventures, while lower-angle slopes closer to the parking lot are perfect for the less adventurous.

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The sledding hill access from Lower Independence Mine Parking Lot is on the right side (as you drive up the parking lot) above the fee station and outhouses.

Google Map Directions Here.

When recreating in backcountry areas in the winter, it's essential to be aware of potential avalanche hazards. Check Hatcher Pass Avalanche Center for information about snow and avalanche conditions in Hatcher Pass.

You will need a State Parks annual or day-use parking pass for parking at Hatcher Pass.

Want to support your favorite trails and parks? Consider making a donation to the Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation through our website or Pick.Click.Give.​.


  • Get Directions
    3082.95 mi Away
  • Lat/Lng
    61.77949, -149.27835
  • Length
    0.07 Miles