The Appalachian Mountain Bike Club is a chapter of the Southeast regional division of the International Mountain Bike Association. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting sustainable trail access for off-road bicyclists and to maintaining the trails on which mountain bikers ride and other user groups rely. The Appalachian Mountain Bike Club supports the conservation of open spaces and is committed to educating mountain bicyclists to ride sensitively and responsibly in order to protect the natural environment and the experience of other trail users.
Related Locations
- AC/DC Connector
- Barn Burner Downhill
- Best Medicine
- Big Rock Pass
- Bones
- Booger
- Breastworks
- Bridge Bypass
- Burnett Ridge
- Burnett Ridge Double Track
- Calloway Ridge
- Campground Connector
- Chain Ring
- Chicken Coop
- Chicken Coup
- Claim Letter
- Connector
- Creek Loop
- Cruze Valley Downhill
- Devil's Racetrack
- Devil's Racetrack Boulder Garden
- Dogwood Community Trail
- Downhill Access
- Dryer
- Easy Peasy
- Easy Peasy
- Everest High
- Everest Low
- Expert Trail
- Far East
- Fire Break
- Flow
- Floyd Fox
- Giddy Up
- Golf View
- Golf View Short Cut
- Hard Labor
- Hardwood
- Hardwood
- Hickory
- Imerys
- Inner Loop
- Inner Loop Shortcut
- Jacob's Run
- Kimble's Ladder
- Knight Fall
- Lake Shore Loop
- Lincoln
- Lippencott Loop
- Lost Chromosome
- Lower Beginner Trail
- Lower Lake Loop
- Mainline Loop
- Margaret Road
- Marj Connector
- Marj McClean
- Mary's
- Maryville Pike Trailhead Connector
- Mayor's Hot Tub
- Middle East Loop
- Middle Hill Lane
- Middle Hill Top
- Mitchies Connector
- Mitchies Way
- Murphy's Law
- Orient Loop
- Pappy's Way
- Party in the Woods
- Pit Viper
- Plan B
- Push Line
- Red Bud Crest
- Red Bud Crest
- Redwood
- Redwood Road
- Remedy Hill
- Remedy Hill Shortcut 1
- Remedy Hill Shortcut 2
- Rendezvous
- Ripcord
- Rock Bridge
- Rock Ledge
- Ross Marble
- Shade's
- Shadow Run
- Sharp Shin
- Short Cut
- Sidney Belle
- Sidney Belle
- Sink Hole
- Soups On
- Spingarn
- Spingarn
- Sugar & Rum
- Sycamore Loop
- Third Circuit
- Three Marys