This hike occurs every 4th Saturday of the month.
This hike will take visitors westward along Middle Valley Trail leading to Prairie Ridge. Expect about a 5 mile hike at a moderate, but even pace over uneven ground. Muddy spots will have cattle prints. There are steep climbs over several hills with the longest at Prairie Ridge. It’s worth it to see the view of the northern San Francisco Bay and Vallejo.
Hike leaves promptly at 9:15 from the parking lot; expect to be back by noon. **Please note that the parking fee at Lynch Canyon is $6.
Docent guides will be discussing plant communities, landforms, and birds at Lynch Canyon pointing out highlights as we go. Bring boots, appropriate clothing, water and a snack. Call for more information.
Hike Level: Moderate *Please note, cancellation of the hike may occur due to County Fire Danger Warnings and closures of open spaces and parks. Once registered, you will receive any updates should this ever happen.
Please help us contain COVID-19 and protect ourselves and the public by following these recommendations from the CDC.
• Avoid entering the facility if you are feeling sick, or have a cough or fever• Maintain a minimum six-foot distance from anyone who is not a household member• Sneeze and cough into a cloth or tissue or, if not available, into one’s elbow• Not shake hands or engage in any unnecessary physical contact• Wearing a face covering is strongly recommended• All picnic areas are closed for public use