American Trails and the Professional TrailBuilders Association (PTBA) have joined forces to co-host the International Trails Summit (ITS) in Reno, Nevada during the week of April 17, 2023. ITS is a collaborative effort of the 25th International Trails Symposium and Training Institute and the Sustainable Trails Conference. This combined, high-impact event will convene a diverse trail and outdoor community to learn, build relationships, and find solutions to the challenges of developing and elevating outdoor recreation opportunities for all. The joint conference will also feature the World Trails Network - Hub for the Americas.
This exciting new collaboration is a gathering of trail and outdoor recreation enthusiasts and professionals representing all corners of the professional trails and outdoor recreation industry. The Summit will include more than 140 educational sessions covering a broad range of issues including nationally and internationally prominent presenters, informative and interactive workshops, a state-of-the-art Exhibit Hall, and a wide array of national training leaders.