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Published on Oct 5, 2022 at 3:12 PM

MCPR Volunteer Programs

Information provided by
Monroe County Parks and Recreation

Are you interested in serving the Monroe County community? Monroe County Parks and Recreation offers outdoor volunteer programs throughout the year. Do you have a specific volunteer request? Contact our volunteer coordinator.


The Adopt-a-Greenway program allows groups and individuals to contribute to the stewardship and beautification of the Monroe County trail system.

Program Requirements

  • The flowerbed should be adopted for one complete growing season (May through September)
  • Adopters may either be an individual or a group, however groups must identify one person to be the contact with MCPR
  • Planting is restricted to only those areas identified by the department as Adopt-a-Flowerbed locations
  • If at any time department staff deems the flowerbed to be unsightly, contact will be made with the individual adopter or adopter team lead
  • If identified issues are not corrected within five business days, the County will take over the maintenance of the bed and may offer the bed to another group or individual


The Adopt-a-Flowerbed program provides volunteer groups or individuals with the opportunity to contribute to the beautification of the Monroe County park system.

Program Requirements

  • The flowerbed should be adopted for one complete growing season (May through September)
  • Adopters may either be an individual or a group, however groups must identify one person to be the contact with MCPR
  • Planting is restricted to only those areas identified by the department as Adopt-a-Flowerbed locations
  • If at any time department staff deems the flowerbed to be unsightly, contact will be made with the individual adopter or adopter team lead
  • If identified issues are not corrected within five business days, the County will take over the maintenance of the bed and may offer the bed to another group or individual