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Published on Apr 21, 2021 at 8:56 PM

10 Second Tuesday! Virginia Creeper

Information provided by
Indian River County

You thought this was another poison ivy didn't you? Today’s plant is Virginia Creeper, Parthenocissus quinquefolia... our next doppelganger to poison ivy is a fail once you know the difference! The Virginia Creeper is a five-leaved vine that is in the grape family! This lovely little vine isn't actually a true vine, but it does trail up trees and will run across your yard if you let it... and it's wise to do so if you love having songbirds, especially migrants visit your humble abode... me casa es su casa when there's VA Creeper growing nearby! Look for woodpeckers, nuthatches, catbirds and others to flock to this late fall berry producer!

For more information and current events follow us on FB or IG! #ircrec #10sectues