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Invasive Plant: Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata)
Published on Feb 3, 2021 at 10:44 PM

Invasive Plants in Indiana

While approximately 25% of the plant species found in Indiana are not native to the state, the vast majority of them are NOT invasive. That is, they do not move outside of cultivation and cause economic or environmental harm, or harm to human health. Those non-native species that DO cause harm - by impacting forests, wildlife, wetlands, agriculture, or other important resources - are considered invasive.  Here is a list of invasive plant species found in Monroe County, Indiana provided by the Monroe County- Identify and Reduce Invasive Species (MC-IRIS). 

The members of MC-IRIS developed a list of the invasive plant species of concern in Monroe County, and then voted on which were causing or had the potential to cause the greatest damage. More information on how to identify and reduce the Top 10 Invasive Plants can be found here.

Need Tools to manage invasive species? Click here to find out about tool kits available for loan.

Not sure if you have invasive plants on your land? Or what to do about them if you do? Learn more here about how to apply for a free invasive plant survey of your land.

For additional information, check out the MC-IRIS Brochure.

Indiana has a great way to report and map invasive species - Report IN! You can report invasive species on-line through the Report IN website portal, or from your smartphone by downloading the Great Lakes Early Detection Network app. Please report the invasive species you find, so we know where they are in the state.