It's tick season on Martha's Vineyard, and anyone spending time outdoors should learn about these tiny but dangerous arachnids.
Joining deer ticks and wood ticks out on the trails are lone star ticks, a relative newcomer to the island, but they've been out in force, especially on Chappy and Aquinnah.
Be vigilant about tick safety to avoid Lyme and other tick-related diseases:
- Learn before you go – read the links included in this article.
- Treat shoes and clothing with permethrin or other EPA-approved insect repellent. Follow label instructions carefully.
- Avoid wooded and brushy areas with tall grass and leaf litter.
- Walk in the center of the trail.
- Inspect yourself and companions carefully for ticks afterward.
What is permethrin? It's a highly effective pesticide that's applied to clothing and shoes to repel (and kill) ticks and other insects. You can buy it in liquid spray form to treat your own clothes, or buy clothing that's factory pre-treated with permethrin, which lasts up to 70 washings. Tick-repellent gaiters are an easy, effective way to help stop ticks from moving up your legs.
For more information, visit
Tick photo: Jim Gathany, CDC