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Published on Jan 12, 2023 at 3:14 PM

Karst Farm Greenway Expansion now open!

Information provided by
Monroe County Parks and Recreation

Indiana Department of Natural Resources and Monroe County celebrated the opening of the Karst Farm Greenway expansion on December 6, 2022.

The 2.67-mile asphalt extension accommodates both pedestrians and cyclists and was made possible by a grant of more than $2.33 million from the DNR Next Level Trails (NLT) grant program. The project extends the existing 4.5-mile trail north to Highway 46 in Ellettsville. The Karst Farm Greenway in its entirety now covers approximately 7.3 uninterrupted miles.

The trail makes major connections between the Town of Ellettsville and the City of Bloomington, including linking Karst Farm Park, Campbell’s Park, and several residential areas and educational campuses.

The Duke Energy Foundation served as a major partner for the project, providing Monroe County with a substantial grant for trail amenities.

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