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Mohawk-North-Shore Greenway


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The Mohawk-to-North Shore Greenway is one of three Borough-wide network of ecological zones. It it sits between Lake Hopatcong and the Lubbers Run Greenway, and includes the Glasser section of the Borough (northeast corner) and extends to the western shore of Bear Pond (at Mohawk Tr.) The greenway includes the Roland-May Eves Mountain Inlet Wildlife Sanctuary, which is intended to “promote the ideals of wildlife preservation, conservation, preservation of plant life, preservation of open space, and promotion of water quality, and to facilitate environmental education.” The inlet formed by Mountain Brook ("Mt Inlet") offers public access to Lake Hopatcong from a sheltered vantage (i.e., Kayak Launch). A wildlife observation point ("Bird Blind") is located slightly west of the Kayak Launch.


  • Get Directions
    1254.59 mi Away
  • Lat/Lng
    40.97381, -74.63591
  • Size
    146.27 Acres
