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Driftwood Bay State Marine Park


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Near the southeastern end of Cape Resurrection, opening on to Day Harbor is the 1,480 acre Driftwood Bay SMP. This rocky amphitheater overlooks a gravel and cobble beach, set among a thin grove of spruce and cottonwood. A private cabin is located at the head of the cove on a small tract of private land. Few established campsites exist on shore, although there are areas beyond the beach berm within the trees that could be used for camping.

Driftwood Bay is primarily known and used as a bottom fishery for black bass, lingcod and rockfish. Wildlife viewing is also a very popular activity, especially for goats, sea birds and marine mammals. Private residents live seasonally in the private cabin at the head of the bay. Due to the distance from Seward, twenty-two miles, the park receives mostly day use. The majority of that use occurs offshore. The occasional onshore user may retrieve drinking water here, camp, or hunt goats, but rarely stays longer than a day.

Additional Information

Tent Camping
Accessibility Description

Near southeastern end of Cape Resurrection


  • Get Directions
    3090.15 mi Away
  • Lat/Lng
    59.91331, -149.25578
  • Size
    1474.49 Acres
