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City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Logo

Bryan Park


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Bryan Park (34.9 acres) located at 1001 S Henderson ST was purchased in January 1951 for $1. The name "Bryan" refers to William Lowe Bryan, President of Indiana University from 1902-1937.

Amenities: Playgrounds, ballfields, basketball courts, tennis courts, sand volleyball, fitness station, and pool (open seasonally).

Shelters: Three reservable shelters. More info below.

Parking: One parking lot at Henderson Street and Dixie Street. Second parking lot off Henderson at East Allen Street. Additional parking lots at Bryan Park Pool, and across Woodlawn Avenue from Bryan Park Pool

Restrooms: Centrally located near ball diamonds. Restrooms are accessible, and are open seasonally (April through October).

Report a problem at Bryan Park here.

Bloomington Parks and Recreation Park Property Rules

Video of Bryan Park.

Additional Information

Good For
Dog Walking
Trail Running
Wildlife Watching
Rules & Regulations
Dogs On Leash
No Illegal Substances
No Campfires
No Camping
No Horses
No Motorized
Pack Out Dog Waste
Accessibility Description

  • Paved parking (48 total spots; 4 handicapped - one of which is van accessible)
  • Paved trails with benches
  • Basketball court, playgrounds connected to paved trails
  • Swings/play area by the Woodlawn shelter has uneven surface
  • Shelters, picnic tables accessible via paved walkways
  • Bathrooms, accessible via paved trails 

Amenities and Accessibility in Bryan Park

Bryan Park - Woodlawn Group Shelter $66/weekdays, $81/weekends and holidaysThis shelter is near Woodlawn Avenue, is wheelchair accessible, and has grills, electrical outlets, lights, and water. Maximum occupancy: 72.

Bryan Park - North Shelter $53/weekdays, $56/weekends and holidaysThis shelter is located near the north side of the park and has a grill, water, and electrical outlets. Maximum occupancy: 30

Bryan Park - Henderson Shelter $53/weekdays, $56/weekends and holidaysThis shelter is near Henderson Stret and has a grill and water. Maximum occupancy 30 people.

See a map of Bryan Park showing shelter locations.